Meet Rachel, Our 2019/2020 Brand Ambassador

Rachel is our 2019/2020 Brand Ambassador and she has been with She’s Got Leggz since 2018. Rachel embodies the corporate identity in appearance, demeanour, values and ethics. Rachel represents the SGL company and brand in a positive light and we are proud to have given her this title.

Rachel is a happily married mom with two bright and wonderful children. Rachel works as a full-time elementary school teacher in the Greater Sudbury Area. Rachel loves to travel, spend time with her kids and have family nights-in watching movies.

One of the things she loves the most about having a She’s Got Leggz business is having the freedom to work as much or as little as she wants. Depending on what is happening in her personal or professional life, she can adjust how much time she can commit to her business. She loves that She’s Got Leggz provides “discount” pricing for stylists to maintain stock if they wish. This helps Rachel enjoy her earnings as soon as the sale is complete, and that extra money is available to use for her family immediately. Being a part of SGL has allowed her to make lasting friendships and connections with women from across the country. She has made connections with so many new people in her community as well. With a family that loves to travel and kids that are involved in many extra-curricular activities, working this business provides her with the money to do both! She’s Got Leggz has given Rachel the opportunity to enjoy three family vacations in the past 18 months, including Great Wolf Lodge, a family reunion in Virginia and a trip to Disney World!

Find Rachel here:
Or on her website at

Meet She’s Got Leggz Stylist Gale

Gale was our top selling stylist for 2019. She started with SGL in November of 2018 as she was ready to retire and wanted something to keep her busy. She has been rocking her business ever since. Here is her story…

My name is Gale and I am a married mother to two sons David and Chris and a Stepdaughter Louise. I have seven grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. I recently retired and last November I decided to join the SGL team and this is what I am doing in my spare time along with golfing in the Spring and Summer months. I never thought I would ever wear a pair of leggings until I bought my first pair in the fall of 2018 and I fell in love with them. This is how I started and why I joined. I find it very awarding. I love meeting new people and making new friendships. SGL has impacted my life so much as it is very easy to sell the product and when you love the product, wear it daily it allows you to show customers how everything goes together. We carry tops that match our leggings plus we have other accessories too.  Talking to other women about my experience is amazing. 

She’s Got Leggz has made a huge difference in my life after retirement.

You can find Gale here: 
or Shop: